Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Business Strategy- Whats missing

You run a business and you have a vision, a dream that you want to see fulfilled
You’ve created a strategy to achieve your vision

What is more important?

The Quality of the Strategy , OR The execution of the Strategy.

Select one of the above answers. Once you know the answer please read on . . .
Why poor internal communications means your management strategy is likely to fail

Here are the top 5 internal communications problems that most businesses face:

* Inconsistent messages being sent to employees;
* Lack of visibility of leaders – especially during tough times;
* Lack of employees’ trust in leadership;
* Managers who don’t understand their roles in employee communication, or don't have the required skills or tools, and;
* The overload of information confronting employees in their daily work lives.

Why employee engagement and internal communications are fundamental to a successful business

* Your strategy will only succeed if your employees are fully committed to your strategy and give it heart and mind rather than hands and feet
* They’ll only do that if they understand it and accept it and believe in it
* This isn’t an easy task, especially if you don’t have a strategy to communicate and engage everyone in the organisation

How much could you be losing right now because of employee dis-engagement?

The majority of Great Britain’s 27 million employees are uninspired at work. And the situation hasn’t improved over the past couple of years. In fact it’s getting worse. How many of these employees are yours?
Here’s what you can gain by improving employee engagement and internal communications

* boost productivity;
* reduce operating costs;
* raise quality standards;
* cut attrition rates;
* get change implemented faster;
* unite disparate operating units;
* reduce levels of absenteeism;
* improve customer satisfaction, and
* create aligned activity to achieve your goals

Why you need employee engagement

* Your business is made up of people with different perspectives, different concerns and different lives
* They all perceive the same things in different ways
* So unless you have a tool to enable your people to explore those difference views and calibrate the meaning of your message, you are unlikely to engage them, which means you do not secure their commitment or align their efforts and your strategy will fail.

”Any company trying to compete … must figure out a way to engage the mind of every employee”
Jack Welch, former CEO General Electric

"When engaged employees utilize their natural talents, they provide an instant, and constant, competitive edge. They build a new value: emotionally driven connections between employees and customers."
Curt W. Coffman and Gabriel Gonzalez Molina

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